Rarity: Uncommon
Card Number: BT7-039 U
Type: N/A
Color: Yellow
Play Cost: 8
Card Text
[When Digivolving] If this Digimon has 1 digivolution card, you may place up to 2 level 4 or lower yellow Digimon cards from your hand at the bottom of this Digimon's digivolution cards in any order. Then, [Draw 1] for each Digimon card you placed. (Draw 1 card from your deck)
Inherited Effect
[Your Turn] When this card is trashed due to activating this Digimon's [Digi-Burst] , 1 of your Digimon gains [Security Attack +1] for the turn. (This Digimon checks 1 additional security card)
Illustrator: Nakano Haito
Set: Next Adventure Pre-Release Cards
Printing: Foil
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